Monday, 23 May 2022

The Importance of Risk Assessment in the Automotive Industry


If you run a business in the automotive industry, then you’re likely already familiar with some of the safety and security risks that are present in this line of work. After all, accidents happen often and may range from small fender benders to multi-car pileups that require specialized cleanup crews to remove the debris. These accidents are expensive, and they don’t just affect your business – they also hurt your customers and the people around them when they occur on the road. Luckily, there are ways to reduce the likelihood of these problems occurring so that your company can avoid costly losses like these in the future.

How do you assess your risks?

Risk assessment is an essential aspect of any business because it's how you identify, measure and manage risk. Automotive Risk management standards don't just apply to big corporations; they're equally important for small businesses, startups and individuals. Everyone faces risks—many we can’t control or even see. By understanding risks and identifying possible consequences, you have a better chance at avoiding future problems that could potentially affect your business as well as your personal life. At its core, risk assessment is about making thoughtful decisions based on logic rather than emotion. You can develop a successful approach to risk management by putting realistic numbers on each possible outcome for any decision you make and then consistently adjusting them as needed throughout your business life cycle.

 Who can help you identify risks?

Make sure you know what risks your business faces, and make sure that you are doing everything possible to minimize those risks. You may think about getting help from a professional who specializes in risk assessment. Even if you are completely new to starting a business, there are many people who can offer advice on identifying and reducing risks. For example, SCORE is an organization that helps startups by connecting them with volunteers who provide mentorship and assistance. A SCORE mentor can give you helpful advice on reducing your startup’s risk through things like extensive market research, product testing, planning out all details of your startup before you begin operations and knowing your end goal right away.

 How should you evaluate your risks?

Risk assessment is an important part of a risk management standard, which is why NATEF was developed to help guide students through how to evaluate their risks. Evaluating your risks means you're identifying your possible hazards and any potential risks associated with them. You want to not only identify and rank your risks, but also find ways to mitigate those risks. After evaluating your risks, you want to document them so that when you are creating a risk management plan for your shop or service, everyone involved will have access to all relevant information about where you stand from a safety standpoint. NATEF offers three tools that can assist you: 1) A hazard identification checklist; 2) The body system checklist; 3) The safe work procedures checklist. 

Use the right tools to keep track of risks and their potential solutions.

There are plenty of tools available to help automakers effectively manage risk. It’s important that they be used correctly, however. They include: RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted and Informed) Matrix – A management tool that can be used to define and track roles and responsibilities within a project or company. 

Carry out a mock crisis exercise

Many business owners and executives may think about risk assessment as a singular activity that happens once and then never again. In fact, risk assessment is an ongoing activity that requires regular reviews and evaluations. You’ll need to adjust your plan for dealing with risks over time, not just when you’re initially formulating your crisis management plan. A good idea is to follow what are known as risk management standards or management best practices. These often require companies to engage in a mock crisis exercise at least once per year where they test out their responses to various types of crises.

Make notes from any exercise, so that you can share it with others.

If you have been working out for some time now, and you feel that it is time to share with other people what has helped you achieve your fitness goals. Then, take photos or video from any workouts (or exercises) that have helped you achieve your goal. You can even add captions on top of those images so that others can understand what they are looking at. What makes it more professional is if you include a title on your photos and videos as well, so that way people won’t think that it’s just random images.


If you’re involved with manufacturing cars, whether you’re an OEM or a supplier, it’s vital to conduct risk assessments and find ways to minimize them. Taking these risks seriously will ensure that your automotive clients can focus on producing safe, efficient vehicles without having to worry about other issues within their supply chain. It will also help your company create a stronger reputation among customers and peers alike. The automotive industry is one where each error can result in serious danger for both consumers and employees; it is therefore vital to conduct proper risk assessment so that unsafe products don't make it into production processes.

Tuesday, 17 May 2022

Your Vehicle's IQ Score: A Complete Guide

Scoring your vehicle IQ, or Vehicle IQ Score, can help you understand the condition of your vehicle and prepare you to make effective maintenance decisions in the future. It’s important to keep tabs on the health of your vehicle, because if you don’t, your car won’t start when you need it to, or worse, it will fail while driving, leaving you stranded and putting yourself and others at risk. There are several ways to check the health of your vehicle, one of which is using Vehicle IQ Score to get information about your car that you would not otherwise have known.


What is an IQ score?

An IQ, or intelligence quotient, score is a number that indicates your ability to reason and solve problems. You may have already had an IQ test as part of an academic assessment when you were in school. According to research, most people have an IQ score between 85 and 115.

There is no correct way to calculate a person’s IQ – experts agree that individual results depend on many factors including culture and childhood environment – but most tests assess verbal reasoning abilities, spatial awareness and knowledge of math facts. Although there is no concrete definition for genius level intelligence (IQ 140+), having a high score indicates superior intelligence in any field you choose to pursue.


How do I get my vehicle's score?

There are two ways you can get your score. If you have a smart phone you can download our free app called IQS, it takes about 5 minutes to enter all of your vehicles information, after that simply drive for about 5-10 minutes and then run your vehicle on our system.

The other way is to bring in a DVIR or OBDII scan tool from any repair shop, simply plug it into a OBDII port under your steering wheel and then plug in one of our test units. This will allow us to gather 100% of your vehicle data right at that moment. Once we have all of your data we will run it against our database and provide you with an instant score!


Why should I care about a car's IQ score?

When you get a new car, it seems like a strange thing to think about how its level of intelligence compares to that of other cars. It’s not important. But soon enough you’ll notice that your vehicle just isn’t smart enough for your tastes and needs. It can be frustrating when your mobile device is more capable than something with four wheels, so why would you put up with an inferior level of intelligence in your vehicle? Getting a better vehicle helps make life easier and can even save you money. Knowing what kind of technology is available on each model will help you choose wisely, whether it be for yourself or as a gift for someone else.


What does my vehicle need to achieve an A score?

In order to achieve an A score, vehicles need to meet all of their National Highway Traffic Safety Administration safety standards. (NHTSA is a government agency that establishes and enforces regulations for vehicle safety.) These standards include child restraint anchor points in each seating location as well as passenger airbags in both seating rows.

While there are many different ways manufacturers can achieve an A score, such as installing additional airbags or building stronger roofs, each one must meet NHTSA’s safety requirements in order to receive a perfect grade. While obtaining an A score is no easy feat, you can still improve your vehicle’s overall GPA by taking steps towards bettering its performance.


Should I upgrade my vehicle to achieve a high score?

With more than 100 vehicle attributes evaluated and graded, your auto’s IQ score can give you a good indication of how reliable it is—and if it might be time to upgrade. Depending on how it scores, your car could be in dire need of an upgrade or completely safe for years to come.

Just keep in mind that as technology advances and new safety standards are implemented, cars do become safer every year. If you find that your car's score isn't very high or is declining over time, we recommend upgrading to a newer model before problems start. Learn more about comparing vehicles at our best-of page .


What if I can't afford the upgrades, or don't want them?

As you may know, vehicle manufacturers are obligated to disclose any defects or malfunctions that are significant enough to violate a federal safety standard. Because of their legal responsibilities, automakers will typically offer a free repair if they cannot correct an issue with your vehicle by replacing certain parts.

 If that doesn't sound like it applies to you, give your dealer a call and ask whether they can make some upgrades on your behalf, at no cost. There’s no guarantee that these upgrades will score higher than what you’ve already got, but some dealers have been known to upgrade before selling vehicles even without customers asking for help. If yours doesn’t—or won’t—we recommend skipping ahead and checking out what upgrading yourself would cost with our repair guide below.



It’s important to understand how vehicles work, because if you don’t, you might as well be driving a tank around with a blindfold on. If you have any questions about why your vehicle does what it does, or why it does not do what you want it to do, consult an expert who can clarify these issues for you. If a mechanic cannot answer your question, then there is probably some type of issue happening within your car that requires repair immediately before further damage is done.

Thursday, 5 May 2022

Why Is The Vin Number So Important When Finding Classic Mustang Parts?

When you’re looking for parts for your Mustang, it can be extremely frustrating when the same part that fits one year of Mustang doesn’t fit yours. What gives? The key lies in deciphering the car’s VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) to identify exactly what model and year your Mustang is, so you can find the correct replacement parts. Don’t worry though - this decoder will take all the confusion out of it!


What is a vin number

You’ve likely seen it before, maybe on your driver’s license or on an insurance card: a long sequence of numbers and letters (e.g., JF1CS7876543210) that looks like a code or some sort of mysterious message from another planet. It’s not as scary as it may seem, though—it’s actually quite simple. A vehicle identification number (VIN) is a unique serial number that is given to every car, truck, motorcycle and other vehicle that has been sold in America since 1981. It usually has 17 characters or digits—for example, JF1CS7876543210—and contains information about what kind of car it is, who made it and where.


What does the vin number mean in general

It’s a 17-digit code that uniquely identifies your vehicle—but also provides important information about its year, model, and engine displacement. It can tell you what kind of fuel economy your car might get or whether it comes equipped with side airbags or anti-lock brakes. If you’re looking for classic Mustang parts, however, there’s one number in particular that could help you save time and money: the vin number. And if you don’t know how to decode it, here are some tips to help you find exactly what you need.


Where can I find my cars vin number

The vehicle identification number (VIN) can be found on any car's dashboard, and it is a unique identifier for that particular car. It's also located on your registration form. If you're trying to find parts online, you'll want to search by your VIN number, not your year and model of car. That way, when dealers say they don't have any parts available for your make and model, you won't waste time searching through irrelevant results. While it may seem like more work at first, learning how to use a VIN code will save you a lot of time in the long run!


How can I decode it when I find it

The engine VIN is located on a rectangular metal tag attached to one of your engine’s oil pans or cylinder heads. It should be positioned so that it’s easy to read. If you don’t see a label, you can often find it stamped into a flat spot on an aluminum part somewhere near your air filter box, oil filter housing, distributor and carburetor(s). Start by looking in places like underhood insulation, engine brackets and large bolts. If you still can’t find it there, check your owner's manual or ask your local dealership where they believe it is located. If those don't work either, call up your local junkyard to get more help.


How do you use it in finding classic mustang parts

This number contains information that lets us know exactly which year, make and model your car is. It also tells us what plant your car was manufactured in. This can help tremendously when ordering factory original parts for a classic mustang because we know right away which parts will fit your car and which ones won’t. While it’s common knowledge to many, not everyone knows how to use their VIN number to determine where they car was built and find correct classic mustang parts for their Ford vehicle. At Greg’s Mustangs and Shelbys, our Ford experts have tons of experience finding exact factory replacement parts for a specific make and model of Ford vehicle, such as your 1969 or 1968 classic mustang.


Tips on using your vin number when searching for classic mustang parts

The vin number is part of your classic mustang’s title, which means it can be found on any paperwork you have associated with your vehicle. The 17-digit code consists of letters and numbers. Its purpose is to identify your vehicle and its specs in case of an accident or other problem that requires police involvement. Each manufacturer uses a different system for their vin numbers, so knowing how to decode them will help save you time while shopping online or at a parts store. Your original car sales paperwork should list each field below



Although there are many ways to search for classic Mustang parts, it’s important to know that not all parts numbers are created equal. Some of them can provide you with erroneous information or, in some cases, no results at all. Because of that, it’s important to make sure you use your VIN number when shopping around for classic Mustang parts. Your vin number decoder allows you to be specific and accurate in your search, resulting in higher quality results and correct fitment. No matter what year or model you own, knowing how to use your VIN is a fundamental part of owning a classic Ford vehicle.

How to Decode a Vehicle Identification Number: The Ultimate Guide

On the off chance that you're considering buying or selling a vehicle, knowing how to disentangle a vehicle identification number, otherwise called the VIN, can be unbelievably helpful. Understanding the exact thing information your VIN provides you can assist you with settling on better buying and selling choices and try not to buy a vehicle that has been in a mishap or that was taken eventually. In this aide on the most proficient method to disentangle a vehicle identification number, we'll assist you with understanding everything about your vehicle's set of experiences and current condition just by taking a gander at the numbers and letters on your VIN plate!


What is a VIN

A vehicle identification number, or VIN for short, is a novel 17-character code used to distinguish vehicles. It contains information about where and when your vehicle was made as well as recognizing information about its maker and model. Assuming you trade a vehicle, it's quite possibly the earliest thing you'll have to check out. It's generally expected called an identification number, as a matter of fact.


Why you should care about decoding your car's vin

A vehicle identification number is expected for all vehicles bought from new. You might require it while managing vehicle insurance, purchasing parts and in any event, endeavoring fixes. Knowing how to disentangle your vehicle's vin will prove to be useful all through your ownership experience. When you figure out how to peruse your vin number, you'll know what year, make and model your vehicle is, where it was constructed and, surprisingly, more data about unambiguous parts like paint tone and motor sort. A large portion of us would rather not concede that our ride is getting up there in years however knowing how old your vehicle is assists with getting a precise quote for body work or on the other hand assuming anything major has been reviewed.


How to decode your vin

VINs (Vehicle Identification Numbers) are interesting identifiers for vehicles, trucks, bikes and different vehicles. A VIN can let you know if your vehicle was worked by a significant maker or was rescued and revamped. Also, VINs will recognize most nations of beginning, as well as point out which organization fabricated specific parts that might be under guarantee inclusion. Outfitted with your vehicle's VIN number, you can figure out everything from whether it has been in a mishap to who possesses it in the event that you have your wallet taken while test driving it! This is the way to decipher your vin!


FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Question 1) How do I find my VIN? To locate your VIN, look on your driver’s side dashboard and front door post of your vehicle. You may also find it in your glove compartment if you can’t find it at first, but please try to look for it where most drivers would expect to see it first. If you still can’t locate it, check out more instructions here. Question 2) How do I decode my VIN? Each group of numbers within a VIN has specific meaning within that group alone, so let's break each number down individually!


What do all the numbers mean?

When you're looking at a VIN, you can decode it by following these simple steps. First, find out what type of vehicle you're working with (car or truck). Next, take off all of the numbers that aren't relevant for your particular vehicle type. For example, if you're looking at a truck's VIN and there are two groups of numbers separated by dashes, those are usually going to be things like engine size and weight restrictions. Once you've done that, look through all of your remaining numbers one by one and write down each group's meaning below. Here's what each number means in a standard car/truck VIN


What does this mean? First 2 characters indicate Manufactured

It’s easy to check whether or not your vehicle is stolen, but if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. If you’re an automotive enthusiast and like working on cars in your spare time, decoding your own VIN can be fun. However, if you aren’t particularly technically inclined or don’t feel comfortable working on cars and checking codes yourself, then there are many companies that offer such services. You can either go through them directly or find them on popular web platforms like Yelp.



With that being said, you now have all of the information you need to get started with your VIN decoding project. Whether you’re an expert car enthusiast or just getting into cars, don’t be intimidated by a VIN number – use it as an opportunity to learn more about your Vehicle Build Specification! With only minor investments of time and money, you can track down vital information about your rides. Good luck and happy hunting!

10 things everyone should consider for Automotive Risk Management

In an industry like automotive that changes constantly, there are many risks to consider in order to stay competitive. Automotive companies ...